
Explore the successes we’ve had with students and families!

 “I would highly recommend meeting with Mrs. Ricca to any parent who has even a minor concern about their child’s reading ability.  It has single-handedly been the best investment we have made in Alexandra’s future.”

— JM, Parent

 “Cameron really wasn't that far below grade level when we started. However, she really didn't enjoy reading and homework was already such a struggle in first grade! We decided we would rather pay for extra instruction now, rather than for counseling in middle school or high school.”

— BW, Parent

“Michal has been amazing with both of my children. Her ability to customize learning, in both reading and writing, as well as the executive functioning skills needed to perform in those subjects, is truly remarkable. She feels strongly about advocating for a child's individual needs to us as parents, with their teachers and school administration. She is always sure to celebrate big successes as well as each child's strengths.

Michal has an exceptional ability to meet my children where they are at in each session. If they don't start the session fully engaged, she can always bring them full circle to accomplish the goals for that session. We are beyond grateful to have Michal on our learning "team" for our children.”

— CR, Parent

 "You would think that along with the stigma of needing extra help would come an unwilling child.  Not with our Clara.  She is beyond excited to come and see you each and every time. You know, when Clara entered third grade, we thought maybe college just wasn't in the cards for her.  You have changed all of that for us.  Thank you for restoring hope and showing Clara and us her true potential."

-JW, Parent

 “The two years our son worked with NowICANRead were the best spent time and investment we could have ever made.  He went into his work with Michal about two years behind in reading and feeling like he wasn’t the “smart kid”.  Immediately his attitude changed - he felt empowered and worked incredibly hard at his reading work both at home and with Michal.  He no longer felt like he wasn’t smart. 

Michal not only taught him the skills he needed to succeed.  She made him feel proud of his hard work and that bled into all aspects of his schoolwork.  In two years he went from being behind two grade levels in reading to being ahead one.  That’s five years’ reading levels in two years.  This kid graduated high school last year with honors.  #lifechanging.  We highly recommend Michal and are thankful to her every day!”

- BC, Parent

 “Michal is amazing! Every child has the ability to learn.... finding the right teaching style is the key. Michal was our daughter’s key!! Michal worked with our daughter for five years. She gave our daughter skills, tools, confidence, support and understanding to meet her learning style/ dyslexia. Now our daughter is soaring in school! Forever grateful to you Michal!”

- CT, Parent

 “I have some phenomenal news... Sean received his Terra Nova results for grade 8.7 which were off the charts!  If you remember his 6 & 7th grade results for reading & writing were below average in all areas.  Well, here are his results entering high school based on a national percentile scale:

Reading: 95 / Vocabulary: 99 / Reading Composite: 99 / Language: 90 / Language Mechanics: 93 / Language Composite: 95.”

- SM, Parent

"I do not know how to thank you.  It was not only your program that helped Jake realize his potential, but it was also your wonderful personality.  Jake had already worked with other qualified reading specialists, but he never felt very comfortable getting the help he needed and therefore, we saw no improvement.  I am so happy for Jake - you have made such a difference in his attitude toward school - thank you!”

- CT, Parent